Contribute to Branding

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If you want to contribute to branding, please have a look at the sections below

artwork to represent

As we are just at the very beginning of the our work in the Branding Initiative, there has not been created any artwork now following the new visual design except the new logo and the gull symbol presented here.

Previous artwork can be found in the Official Artwork Gallery and the Additional Gallery, but we need to decide about the visual identity basics first, before we start to update this work.

After defining the goals we want to reach with this initiative we'll start on creating artwork and design elements for the different areas, so please stay tuned - or join the Branding Initiative!

fresh branding ideas

At the moment we are collecting ideas how OOo branding should look like, which goals should be reached and how to establish certain positive emotions for our users and contributors (or the people who might be users and contributors in future).

Once the OOo branding style will be established, it will need continuous re-evaluation, optimization and probably re-orientation from time to time. Therefore new ideas, drafts and proposals are very important. Please upload your designs to a dedicated area (not yet defined) at the wiki and join our team to discuss them on our mailing list.

As visual recognition of OOo in public is important, slight modifications are more likely to be integrated in the OOo branding than changes not keeping more than the wording. But even radical changes might become a basis for a long term transition, so don't hesitate to share your ideas!

improvement to existing appearances

There are a lot of areas where is already represented by visual means. In order to create a consistent branding and visual design we need to find all the places where these graphics and designs are used.

Here we collect appearances of our branding elements in different areas along with the status of our work to adapt them to our branding. Please add any page that should be adapted too - and tell us about your work at the mailing list, as there is no central monitoring service for this wiki page.

coordination with other OOo project

Branding doesn't work, if our visual identity has no chance to become the basis for most (optimum: all) of's appearances in public. Therefore it is necessary to involve people from different areas inside the large OOo project in this task.

We need to spread the work about this initiative among all the OOo projects. Some of them are strongly involved in creation of visual elements and representation pf OOo in public, others are less related. People in the first group of projects will not only have to spread the work about the new Branding Initiative, but to serve as middleman between their own project and the Branding Initiative to get feedback from the project and help to make the project's artwork and graphical elements consistent with the general branding and visual design.

The most relevant projects in this area are:

  • Art and the Art team at Sun/Oracle: Creation of graphical elements for branding, UI and other areas as well as marketing material and other artwork based on the splash screen and other branding elements.
  • Website: Design of the website style to be used for the OOo project websites and collateral sites like wiki, templates and extensions.
  • Marketing: Usage of artwork created by the Art Project for online and and printed representation.
  • User Experience: Feedback of the general users and specified target groups on branding and visual identity.
  • Native Language: Localized artwork on website, other online and printed material in native language.
  • Documentation: Design of the official OOo documentation.
  • User Interface: Menues, buttons and windows inside OOo.

administration of the Branding Initiative

This is not really clear at the moment, but needs to be defined if there are discussions in future not leading to a final decision the entire team can agree to. We need to take care of the quality of artwork as well as the consistency of our branding.

If this works without a formal "administration", so much the better. But we shouldn't forget to update this paragraph, if it doesn't...

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