Project Unified ODF Icons

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Revision as of 15:39, 20 November 2009 by Lutz Hoeger (Talk | contribs)

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This "home page" for the ODF icon project is a work space for the i-team. It won't contain all information related to this project, in particular it won't include the actual icons. Please see section Links for more details.

Motivation & Goal

End users hardly ever know they use ODF. We should worry about the lack of ODF awareness, because awareness is key to broad adoption. (cf. GullFOSS announcement)

Needs further editing to include

  • Meet end users at their desktop
  • ODF brand: vendor and product neutral
  • Get other vendors to join

The i-Team

Role Name E-Mail Address
Product Management Lutz Hoeger
Design Stella Schulze
Development Mikhail Voitenko
Quality Assurance Thorsten Martens, Olaf Felka,
Documentation <First Name, Last Name> <>
User Experience <First Name, Last Name> <>

Open and Answered Issues

Issue Reponse
No UX involved (Bernhard, Sep 21) Invitation for UX experts to join i-Team (Lutz, Oct 27)
Is it reasonable to reduce the differences between ODF supporting applications? (Bernhard, Sep 21) ODF Interoperability issues will get less over time (Lutz, Sep 22)
Is differentiation between file types still sufficient without colors, especially for 16x16 pixel icons (Bernhard, Sep 21) (André, Sep 22) There is some uncertainty about the actual impact of the icon design onto user's interaction with files. (Lutz, Sep 22) The design matured a bit (Lutz, Oct 27)
Why reduce the strength of visual design and recognition in favor of ODF? (Bernhard, Sep 21) (Christoph, Sep 22) ODF gives users the freedom to care about their content primarily. This is one of the most important benefits to the user, and actually the most important part of ODF's and OO.o's value proposition: freedom of choice. (Lutz, Sep 22)
Why change such highly visible items so short before UI freeze? (André, Sep 21) The unified ODF icon set will not be integrated into 3.2. (Lutz, Oct 5)
Folded corner makes icons a little busy [(templates)] (Lars, Sep 21) I also like the use of the bottom corner fold to represent templates, although it could use a bit more contrast with the other non-template icons for the smaller icon sizes. (Jaron, Sep 24)
Can one of the distinct ODF logos be worked into the images? (Lars, Sep 21) We found the dove unsuitable for small size icons, especially if you want to convey further information, like document type specific graphical elements.

The ODF monogram didn't prove to be easy enough to understand. (Lutz, Sep 23)

The main colors of the ODF logo are not used (orange, …) (Sophie, Sep 21) There seems to be a notion in branding to avoid secondary colors, as they are perceived as weaker than primary colors. (Lutz, Sep 23)
OOo branding vs. ODF branding: not loose what we have take some time to build, the OOo logo (Sophie, Sep 21) .
User's attention is now dragged to the lower part of the startcenter (André, Sep 22) .
In 16x16 pixel icons, ODF isn't promoted as the text “ODF” is missing (André, Sep 22) .
How good is / will be the adoption of the icons in other software projects / products? (Christoph, Sep 22) We are about to start discussions with other projects, but I think it is most important, that the biggest ODF generating project in the world,, first accepts the icons. (Lutz, Sep 22)
Have the icons be tested with end-customers concerning their recognizability? .
Why not keep the symbolism/colors given with the new galaxy icon theme? (Sophie, Sep 25) The "colorless" design focuses better on ODF. (Lutz, Sep 23)
What icons will OO.o add to a system to denote non-odf file types? (Drew, Sep 22) see the spec and non-ODF icons (Lutz, Nov 20)
How do users know which application is set as the default application to edit a particular file. (Drew, Sep 22) It is no longer about "Writer", "Calc", etc. It doesn't matter whether the application is called "Writer", "Kword", "Writely", or anything else. All it is about is the document type. (Lutz, Sep 22)

(taken from earlier discussion on discuss@ux and from blog comment section)

To be completed (A/I for Lutz; any support more than welcome)

Technical Background

Learnings from integrating icons into SO9.2

  • We need to develop a similar concept for thumbnail previews, as shown on Windows Vista and above, or on MacOS (any other platforms?); But this requires a different approach - both technically and from a design perspective. So we push this out to round 2.
  • The default file type registration, i.e. the list of file types that are associated with OOo during installation by default, needs to adapt to the new icon set. Also, the list needs to be unified during across all supported platforms; see list of system file types for details.
  • The list of "known" file types for the internal file open dialog (i.e. not the underlying desktop file open dialog) needs to be cleaned up and changed according to this list.

Related OOo Projects

Coordination with other OOo projects (marketing, artwork, ...) (open, any volunteers?)

Other ODF Applications

Engagement with other members of the ODF application family (open, any volunteers?)


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