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=IRC Log=
=IRC Log=

Latest revision as of 01:34, 6 March 2010

=IRC Log=
(10:00:47) b_osi_away: hi there :-)
(10:02:21) mdamboldt: Hi
(10:03:38) mdamboldt: Again a very small round today. As far as I know at least Volker Ahrendt plans to join today....
(10:03:52) mdamboldt: So lets start with (very) old action items list.
(10:04:11) mdamboldt: first on the list is: 2008_04_10_2:  What process to translate an extension itself 
(10:04:45) mdamboldt: lgodard: Any update on this? Du to the age I would mark it as cancled if nothing happened so far.
(10:05:42) lgodard: recently some work has been done
(10:05:50) lgodard: (say 1 month ago)
(10:05:57) lgodard: a first shoot of an extension
(10:06:13) lgodard: posted for review on mailing list
(10:06:31) lgodard: was a good start but need further work
(10:06:35) mdamboldt: Ok, so it's somehow still in progress. Do you have an estimation when it might be finished or anything else I should note in the minutes about this AI additional?
(10:09:12) mdamboldt: Next AI is: 2008_04_24: Give an overview of how to do this decoupling of translation cycles and release and find out the opinion of other stakeholders, such as release management and the l10n team
(10:09:44) mdamboldt: I remember that there was a proposal or similar long time ago. But I don't know if anything happened afterwards.
(10:09:52) mdamboldt: Does one of you here remeber?
(10:10:42) b_osi_away: no...
(10:11:15) mdamboldt: Ok, I will ping Juergen and Nils as the owners of this AI to get clarification on this.
(10:11:26) mdamboldt: Next aI: 2008-07-31: Propose workflow for localization of dynamic extension specific content (e.g. descriptions) 
(10:12:31) mdamboldt: b_osi: Any update?
(10:12:32) b_osi_away: yes, after we can translate on extension site :-)
(10:12:42) VA_ [n=volker_a@pD9EE55B6.dip.t-dialin.net] hat den Raum betreten.
(10:13:03) b_osi_away: so the state 'stalled' is still ok.
(10:13:24) mdamboldt: Next AI on the list: 2009-02-12: Schedule a separate meeting to discuss a) Repository/site related l10n and b) binary l10n items on next Thursday 19th Feb 2009
(10:13:36) mdamboldt: Owner is Rafaella. Does somebody know anything about the AI?
(10:14:27) b_osi_away: it should be canceled or done for a); since we found solution for that.
(10:15:07) b_osi_away: and b) is kind of connected to 2008_04_10_2:  What process to translate an extension itself ?
(10:16:57) mdamboldt: So we are already at the round table.
(10:16:57) mdamboldt: Any update regarding the items on the ToDo list for the Template Repository located at http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Template_Repository/ToDoList
(10:18:01) b_osi_away: yes, the bsd license part; we use now http://templates.services.openoffice.org/bsd-license for the example
(10:18:56) b_osi_away: thats all from my side
(10:20:06) mdamboldt: b_osi: I noted that one of the key items you are currently working on is not listed anywhere. I mean the switch of the Drupal Version running the Extension Repository. I just want to mention it here to make this visible since its a lot of work for you to do.
(10:20:36) b_osi_away: ok
(10:23:34) mdamboldt: As Volker mentioned some days ago, we might need to do some additional communication about how to add / use license informations for Templates submitted into the Repository. One of the negative examples you can see at http://templates.services.openoffice.org/en/node/1283
(10:24:16) VA_: b_osi: the link to the bsd license should be updated here, too: http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Templates/website/guide
(10:24:16) mdamboldt: Triggered by this, Stefan Taxhet already reworked the corresponding information HowTo text at http://templates.services.openoffice.org/en/template/upload/text
(10:26:15) mdamboldt: Aynthing else for today?
(10:26:37) b_osi_away: no
(10:26:46) VA_: no
(10:26:59) b_osi_away: VA_: done :-)
(10:27:10) VA_: fine :)
(10:27:40) mdamboldt: Ok, so talk to you next meeting latest.
(10:27:41) mdamboldt: Bye!
=IRC Log=
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