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{{DISPLAYTITLE:Tiskanje izročkov z 2 do 6 prosojnicami na strani}}
Najprej ustvarite svojo predstavitev in jo oblikujte, kot to želite.
Najprej ustvarite svojo predstavitev in jo oblikujte, kot to želite.

Revision as of 17:40, 20 July 2008

Najprej ustvarite svojo predstavitev in jo oblikujte, kot to želite.

Določitev števila prosojnic na strani

  1. V svoji odprti predstavitvi kliknite zavihek Izročki nad pogledom prosojnice.
  2. V zavihku Postavitve na desni strani izberite število prosojnic, ki jih želite na strani.

Setting Up in oblikovanje izročkov

  • Privzeta postavitev strani je Landscape. If you want Portrait (vertical), izberite Oblika > Stran in izberite Portrait, nato kliknite V redu.
    Back in the main layout window, drag the slide placeholders to different locations if you want to change where they are.
  • If you want horizontal lines for people to take notes on, you will need to use the line tool to draw a set of 3-4 lines by the first slide yourself.
    To make them even after you have drawn them, select them all, right-click and choose Alignment > Right (or Left, or Center).
    To distribute them evenly after you have drawn them, select them all, right-click and choose Distribution. Choose Vertical and Center.
    Then copy that group of lines when they are how you want them (might want to group them first), and copy the lines to the other slides on the page.
  • If you want a page number at the bottom of each piece of paper (not every slide), use the Text tool to draw a text box at the bottom of the page, and type the word "page" if you want. Then choose Insert > Fields > Page Number to add an automatically incrementing page number.

Tiskanje izročkov

Now that you have done the setup, you are ready to print.

  1. Izberite Datoteka > Natisni.
    • V OpenOffice.org 3.0 izberite Izročki v razdelku Natisni vsebino.
    • V OpenOffice.org 2.x kliknite gumb Možnosti. And in the Contents section of the Printer Options window, make sure that only the Handouts option is selected.
      The default is for Drawing to be selected. That means you get one big slide per page. You absolutely must select Handouts here to print handouts. If you leave Drawing selected, your printer will also spit out a printout of your presentation with one slide on every page.
  2. Kliknite V redu. Spremembe se shranijo in okno se zapre.



Ta kakOOojček izvira z bloga Solveig Haugland

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