Difference between revisions of "AquaPortCocoa/Changelog"

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(aquavcltypes.h-1.2 vs.
(salframe.h- 1.18 vs.
Line 74: Line 74:
New classes for SalFrameWindow and SalFrameView using objective-C syntax + new variables (and associated types):
New classes for SalFrameWindow and SalFrameView using objective-C syntax + new variables (and associated types):
@interface SalFrameWindow : NSWindow                                             
@interface SalFrameWindow : NSWindow                                             
Line 88: Line 88:
-(void)windowDidDeminiaturize: (NSNotification*)pNotification;                   
-(void)windowDidDeminiaturize: (NSNotification*)pNotification;                   
-(MacOSBOOL)windowShouldClose: (NSNotification*)pNotification;                   
-(MacOSBOOL)windowShouldClose: (NSNotification*)pNotification;                   
@interface SalFrameView : NSView                                                 
@interface SalFrameView : NSView                                                 
Line 118: Line 116:
-(void)flagsChanged: (NSEvent*)pEvent;                                           
-(void)flagsChanged: (NSEvent*)pEvent;                                           
-(void)sendMouseEventToFrame:(NSEvent*)pEvent button:(USHORT)nButton eventtype:(USHORT)nEvent;
-(void)sendMouseEventToFrame:(NSEvent*)pEvent button:(USHORT)nButton eventtype:(USHORT)nEvent;
== salframe.cxx-1.50vs. ==
== salframe.cxx-1.50vs. ==

Revision as of 09:54, 2 August 2007

Comments in the changes ( aquavcl03 cws )

What follows are dev notes relative to Cocoa migration in Open Office.org code ( Aqua version for Mac OS X )

aquavcltypes.h-1.2 vs.

#include <premac.h>
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
+#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
+#import <AppKit/NSEvent.h>
#include <postmac.h>

-> #import replaces #include, and add only once every needed header file.

NSEvent.h does contain all event types.

e.g. :

	NSLeftMouseDown		= 1,
	NSLeftMouseUp		= 2,
	NSRightMouseDown	= 3,
	NSRightMouseUp		= 4,
	NSMouseMoved		= 5,
	NSLeftMouseDragged	= 6,
	NSRightMouseDragged	= 7,
	NSMouseEntered		= 8,
	NSMouseExited		= 9,
	NSKeyDown		= 10,
	NSKeyUp			= 11,

... etc

saldata.hxx-1.14 vs

- #include <Carbon/Carbon.h> + #include <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>

Remove every Carbon thing, and use Cocoa definitions instead

- class SalInstance; + class AquaSalInstance;

Define AquaSalInstance

 - /*                                                                                                                                                      
 -   * SalTimer related members                                                  
 -   */                                                                         
-   BOOL              mbInTimerProc;     // timer event is currently being dispatched
-    BOOL              mbTimerInstalled;  // timer is in the event loop            
-   ULONG             mnTimerMS;         // Current Time (in MS) of the Timer   
-   ULONG             mnTimerOrgMS;      // Current Original Time (in MS)       
-   EventLoopTimerRef mrTimerRef;                                               
-   EventLoopTimerUPP mrTimerUPP;

-> remove Carbon Timers

means : remove all Carbon timers members in SalData structure


- use Cocoa Timers instead - check in the code if old code is remaining

salframe.h- 1.18 vs.

New classes for SalFrameWindow and SalFrameView using objective-C syntax + new variables (and associated types):

@interface SalFrameWindow : NSWindow                                            
    AquaSalFrame*       mpFrame;                                                
-(id)initWithSalFrame: (AquaSalFrame*)pFrame;                                   
-(void)windowDidBecomeKey: (NSNotification*)pNotification;                      
-(void)windowDidResignKey: (NSNotification*)pNotification;                      
-(void)windowDidChangeScreen: (NSNotification*)pNotification;                   
-(void)windowDidMove: (NSNotification*)pNotification;                           
-(void)windowDidResize: (NSNotification*)pNotification;                         
-(void)windowDidMiniaturize: (NSNotification*)pNotification;                    
-(void)windowDidDeminiaturize: (NSNotification*)pNotification;                  
-(MacOSBOOL)windowShouldClose: (NSNotification*)pNotification;                  
@interface SalFrameView : NSView                                                
    AquaSalFrame*       mpFrame;                                                
-(id)initWithSalFrame: (AquaSalFrame*)pFrame;                                   
-(MacOSBOOL)acceptsFirstMouse: (NSEvent *)pEvent;                               
-(void)drawRect: (NSRect)aRect;                                                 
-(void)mouseDown: (NSEvent*)pEvent;                                             
-(void)mouseDragged: (NSEvent*)pEvent;                                          
-(void)mouseUp: (NSEvent*)pEvent;                                               
-(void)mouseMoved: (NSEvent*)pEvent;                                            
-(void)mouseEntered: (NSEvent*)pEvent;                                          
-(void)mouseExited: (NSEvent*)pEvent;                                           
-(void)rightMouseDown: (NSEvent*)pEvent;                                        
-(void)rightMouseDragged: (NSEvent*)pEvent;                                     
-(void)rightMouseUp: (NSEvent*)pEvent;                                          
-(void)otherMouseDown: (NSEvent*)pEvent;                                        
-(void)otherMouseDragged: (NSEvent*)pEvent;                                     
-(void)otherMouseUp: (NSEvent*)pEvent;                                          
-(void)scrollWheel: (NSEvent*)pEvent;                                           
-(void)keyDown: (NSEvent*)pEvent;                                               
-(void)keyUp: (NSEvent*)pEvent;                                                 
-(void)flagsChanged: (NSEvent*)pEvent;                                          
-(void)sendMouseEventToFrame:(NSEvent*)pEvent button:(USHORT)nButton eventtype:(USHORT)nEvent;


Remove overlay Event Handler ( TODO : reimplement a new one, if needed )

Remove static void ImplSalCalcFullScreenSize() // Note: useless ?

Implemented AquaSalFrame::AquaSalFrame()

members removed : mpInst / mnWidthn mnWeight, mpSalInstance, maTsmDocumentId, mpMenu

Removed : CreateNewSystemWindow(), InstallAndRegisterAllEventHandler(), DeinstallAndUnregisterAllEventHandler(), GetOptimalWindowSize()

Added :

void AquaSalFrame::initWindowAndView(): helps to initialize mirroring parameters, calculates style mask, and initiamize the frame + delegates to mpWindow // FIXME: desccribe better delegates

void AquaSalFrame::CocoaToVCL( NSRect& io_rRect, bool bRelativeToScreen ) void AquaSalFrame::CocoaToVCL( NSPoint& io_rPoint, bool bRelativeToScreen )

-> translates Cocoa rectangle [resp.] point coordinates into VCL one the Cocoa rectangle [resp.] point depending the fact the rectangle [resp.] the point is relative to screen or not

void AquaSalFrame::VCLToCocoa( NSRect& io_rRect, bool bRelativeToScreen ) void AquaSalFrame::VCLToCocoa( NSPoint& io_rPoint, bool bRelativeToScreen )

-> translate VCL rectangle [resp.] point into Cocoa area [resp.] point depending the fact the rectangle [resp.] the point is relative to screen or not

Modified :

void AquaSalFrame::SetTitle(const XubString& rTitle)

-> replace Carbon things using Cocoa things ( CFStringRef -> NSStrings, and CreateCFString -> CreateNSString)

Removed : CarbonViewRef, and Carbon AquaSalGraphics object type, replaced by Cocoa equivalent.

Removed : Carbon Event Queue management, e.g. PostEventToQueue() .. and Co stuff // FIXME : how does it work now ?

Removed assertion about wrWindow

Removed CreateMenu(), SetRootMenu() ..etc // FIXME : manage menus a day

Added : manage top window in a group

-> orderFront (This action method moves the receiver to the front of its level in the screen list, without changing either the key window or the main window.) -> makeKeyAndOrderFront() (This action method moves the receiver to the front of the screen list, within its level, and makes it the key window.)

Removed : HideWindow

Replaced Carbon methods with Cocoa one :

CGSize -> NSSize

Removed : SetWindowResizeLimits() , replaced by setMaxSize (ew code:[mpWindow setMaxSize: aSize]; )

Replaced Get/SetWindowBounds with setContentSize

Removed ZoomWindow, CollapseWindow ( use isZoomed / isMiniaturized instead )

Replaced Rect aRectState with NSRect aStateRect

To be fixed:

replace by Cocoa calls all SetSystemUIMode() calls ; use Cocoa pointers instead of use SetThemeCursor(aPointer[ePointerStyle]); use Cocoa functions in AquaSalFrame::SetPointerPos() new implementation of Carbon (??) NewTSMDocument() // FIXME : not sure


AquaSalFrame::Flush() -> Sync() replaces Flush() Rect parentContentRect; -> NSRect aParentContentRect;

In AquaSalFrame::ShowFullScreen() , replaced Carbon stuff with frameRectForContentRect

Removed : AquaSalFrame::DrawMenuBar() // FIXME: implement Cocoa way

Modified AquaSalFrame::GetWorkArea() -> Rect are now NSRect

Implemented SalFrameWindow and SalFrameView using objective-C syntax + corresponding members (and associated types) -> see interface in salframe.hxx


in AquaSalFrame::ShowFullScreen() , if mbShown true, pass SALEVENT_MOVERESIZE at event kind, and NULL for the event to CallCallback(), whatever value bFullScreen has.


in AquaSalFrame::initWindowAndView(), add NSTitledWindowMask as mnStyleMask ( or'ed with existing flags)


Removed Carbon refs: CarbonViewRef , CarbonWindowRef, IsScreenCompatible()

Modified: add Cocoa implementations of SetWindowGraphics() and UpdateWindow()


New AquaSalGraphics::SetWindowGraphics() implementation. pFrame alone replaces mrView, mrWindow, mbScreen ( FIXME : needed in the future ? )

Modified AquaSalGraphics::CheckContext() and AquaSalGraphics::RefreshRect() implementation (): use mpFrame only )

In RefreshRect(), added a workaround for antialiased rendering. The area outside the rect is not refreshed and causes "lines" and alien around an area containing gradients e.g. Add + 2 to the REct size helps.

Partial Cocoa implementation of AquaSalGraphics::UpdateWindow() // FIXME : work completed ?


Modifications in class SalYieldMutex

New class AquaSalInstance: added structure SalUserEvent

Removed TimerEvenHandler(), replaced by handleAppDefinedEvent()

New methods: PostUserEvent, isNSAppThread(), CreateNSString()

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