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Locate! :-) Tutorial_Help

Assumptions :-) we have an installation in /opt/ooinstall/ which we link to a build tree in ~/ooo-build/build/680/ and when run, this creates a user configuration dataset in ~/.ooo-2.0*

At this point, we focus only on the UI elements - menus, toolbars, dialogs.

The menus come from /opt/ooinstall/share/config/soffice.cfg/*, so we can now do a case study: Take Writer, and pick one menu item, say Format->Page... Let's go! :-)

What happens is that the menu displayed for Writer comes from /opt/ooinstall/share/config/soffice.cfg/modules/swriter/menubar/menubar.xml, so we poke in and look for Format and see that it has an id of .uno:FormatMenu, while that is not exactly what we are looking for and move on to find that the Page... menu item has the id ".uno:PageDialog" which is exactly what we are looking for.

With this id, we consider this a little more, if this functionality were shared across multiple modules, there would be higher probability of finding the code in sfx2/, svx/ or the svtools/ projects, but since this is the Format Page dialog of Writer, we can assume that this would be specific to the sw/ project and grep for the id [ the uno part is common, so searching for just PageDialog would do ] there and we find:

sw/sdi/swriter.sdi:6381:SfxVoidItem PageDialog FN_FORMAT_PAGE_DLG

which is to say that the identifier FN_FORMAT_PAGE_DLG is what you'd expect to find throughout the code for this particular portion of code. So we grep for the identifier again but this time in the *.cxx files:

find sw/ -name "*.cxx" -exec grep -Hn FN_FORMAT_PAGE_DLG {} \;

and bingo:

sw/source/ui/shells/basesh.cxx:2465:            case FN_FORMAT_PAGE_DLG:

which goes on to a further:

                                    nSlot == FN_FORMAT_PAGE_COLUMN_DLG,
                                    &rSh );

hmm... so it calls a function, so this time we can use LXR at go-oo.org or:

find sw/ -name "*.cxx" -exec grep -Hn ::FormatPage {} \;

to take advantage of the coding conventions applied to get:

sw/source/ui/app/docst.cxx:1311:void SwDocShell::FormatPage( const String&
rPage, BOOL bColumn, SwWrtShell*     pActShell )

and then, we're in business :-) Actually no, it needs more digging, but the general idea remains much the same :-)

The toolbars are also fairly similar, since they have an associated id which works fairly similarly which would be in modules/swriter/toolbar/*.xml

When looking for dialogs on the other hand, we aim at the strings, so suppose we were to launch the Format->Page... dialog, we pick a string we see: "Next Style" and do a grep in the src files for it:

find sw/ -name "*.src" -exec grep -Hn "Next Style" {} \;

and go oops! because it should really be "Ne~xt Style" we are searching for since ~ is what OOo uses internally to mark the keyboard shortcuts as. So we correct ourselves and go:

find sw/ -name "*.src" -exec grep -Hn "Ne~xt Style" {} \;

and still go blank! hmm... so we try hitting the surrounding areas - svx/, svtools/ and sfx2/ and voila:

find sfx2/ -name "*.src" -exec grep -Hn "Ne~xt Style" {} \;

gives us:

sfx2/source/dialog/mgetempl.src:101:            Text [ en-US ] = "Ne~xt Style" ;

which is what we're looking for and based on the typical style, the src file contains the layout of the dialog, where the code would be in mgetempl.cxx and the identifiers and header info would be in mgetempl.hrc and mgetempl.hxx respectively. Then we poke in for more fun :-)

dummy.diff Next: Tutorial_Locate_Functionality
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