Difference between revisions of "Apache OpenOffice User Experience"

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<p><span class="fck_mw_template">{{User Experience}}</span>
<h2> <b>UX Wiki Refresh - May 2012</b> ==<br />&lt;blockquote&gt;<b>IMPORTANT NOTICE</b>&lt;br&gt; This wiki has been an extremely valuable source of design insight and guidance for the OpenOffice products. Recently, the effort has stalled, and as a result some of the wiki content is now outdated.&lt;br&gt; The AOO UX team is looking to refresh this wiki and reinvigorate the UX community. The first step is to refresh this wiki, as it serves as the single, trusted source for our collective user experience design intelligence.&lt;br&gt; On 2012 05 07, Kevin Grignon proposed a review of this wiki content via the ooo-dev@incubator.apache mailing list. UX team will perform a rapid review of UX wiki content and share results and recommendations with the community.&lt;br&gt; &lt;/blockquote&gt; <br />== Activities and Work in Progress </h2>
<ul><li><a href="http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/ODF_icons_i-team">ODF Mimetype Icons Redesign</a> -&amp;nbsp;<b>UX WIKI REFRESH NOTE - Great reference material. Recommendation: Move to OO design archive.</b> <br />*<a href="Renaissance">Project Renaissance</a> - Create a <b>User Interface</b> so that OpenOffice.org becomes <b>the users' choice</b> not only out of <b>need</b> but also out of <b>desire</b>. <b>2012 05 10 - UX WIKI REFRESH NOTE - Create initiative, a lot of great content. Some outdated material. Recommendation: Move to OOo archive, capture task to harvest relevant and actionable content.</b> <br />*<a href="User Experience/Activities">Current Activities</a>&amp;nbsp;<b>UX WIKI REFRESH NOTE - Outdated activities. Recommendation: Move to OOo archive, capture task to harvest relevant and actionable content.</b> <br />*<a href="User Experience/ToDo">ToDo List</a>&amp;nbsp;<b>UX WIKI REFRESH NOTE - Outdated ToDo List content. Recommendation: Move to OOo archive, capture task to harvest relevant and actionable content.</b> <br />*<a href="User Experience/ToDo/Competitor Software">Competitor Software Analysis</a> 2012 05 10 - UX WIKI REFRESH NOTE - Really outdated content. Recommendation: Create new competitor page. Move former to OOo archive. &lt;br&gt;
<h2> The User Experience Team </h2>
<p>The User Experience Team (UX team) works to make OpenOffice.org the best office suite in terms of <b>usability</b>, <b>productivity</b> and <b>enjoyment</b>.
<ul><li><a href="http://ux.openoffice.org">User Experience Project Home on OpenOffice.org</a>&amp;nbsp;<b>2012 05 10 - UX WIKI REFRESH NOTE - Active blog. Recommendation: rename blog, links and anchor link in this page to all include "Apache" reference.</b> <br />*<a href="User Experience/Community">List of the team members</a> <b>2012 05 10 - UX WIKI REFRESH NOTE - Outdated members list. Recommendation: Move list to OOo archive, create new UX community list, link new page to this page.</b>
<h2> How to work with us? </h2>
<ul><li>How to <a href="HowTo Request User Experience Assistance">request assistance from the UX team</a>&amp;nbsp;<b>2012 05 10 - UX WIKI REFRESH NOTE - Content could be re-used, all links are outdated. Recommendations: move to OOo UX archive, harvest re-usable content.</b> <br />*How to <a href="User Experience/Community/How To Join">join the UX team</a>&amp;nbsp;'<b>2012 05 10 - UX WIKI REFRESH NOTE <i>-</i></b>&lt;i&gt;'&lt;/i&gt;<b>Content could be re-used, all links are outdated. Recommendations: move to OOo UX archive, harvest re-usable content.</b>&lt;br&gt; <br />*How to <a href="User Experience/How To Contribute">contribute to the UX team work</a> <b>2012 05 10 - UX WIKI REFRESH NOTE - Content could be re-used, all links are outdated. Recommendations: move to OOo UX archive, harvest re-usable content.</b>&lt;br&gt;
<h2> Communication Channels </h2>
<table border="1">
<b>2012 05 10 - UX&amp;nbsp;WIKI REFRESH NOTE - this mailing list is inactive. Address is not valid. Recommendations: move to OOo UX archive, propose and create new AOO&amp;nbsp;UX&amp;nbsp;mailing list.</b>
===Our Mission===
Our mission is to ensure that the design of the Apache OpenOffice user experience resonates with our users, and allows them to realize their goals and accomplish their tasks, in a way that compliments their context of use, in their world. We want to design and deliver great software that helps people capture their thoughts and share their ideas! We want to make Apache OpenOffice the best open source office suite in terms of '''usability''', '''productivity '''and '''enjoyment'''. <br>
<td> <br />Related mailing lists: <a href="http://ux.openoffice.org/servlets/ProjectMailingListList">User Experience mailing lists</a>&amp;nbsp;<b>2012 05 10 - UX WIKI REFRESH NOTE - Dead link. Recommendation: Remove.</b>
<p>As Newsgroup: <a href="http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.comp.openoffice.devel.user-experience">GMANE gmane.comp.openoffice.devel.user-experience</a>&amp;nbsp;<b>2012 05 10 - UX WIKI REFRESH NOTE - Metrics point to old email address. Recommendation: ask community if we want to track traffic.&amp;nbsp;</b>
</p><p>As Feeds (RSS): <a href="http://rss.gmane.org/messages/complete/gmane.comp.openoffice.devel.user-experience">GMANE all messages with complete text</a>, <a href="http://rss.gmane.org/messages/excerpts/gmane.comp.openoffice.devel.user-experience">GMANE all messages with excerpted text</a>, <a href="http://rss.gmane.org/topics/complete/gmane.comp.openoffice.devel.user-experience">GMANE topics with complete text</a>, <a href="http://rss.gmane.org/topics/excerpts/gmane.comp.openoffice.devel.user-experience">GMANE topics with excerpted text</a>, <a href="http://groups.google.com/group/uxooo/feeds">Google feed</a>&amp;nbsp; <b>2012 05 10 - UX WIKI REFRESH NOTE - Metrics point to old email address. Recommendation: Remove.</b>
</p><p>As Archives: <a href="http://ux.openoffice.org/servlets/SummarizeList?listName=discuss">OpenOffice.org web archive</a>, <a href="http://groups.google.com/group/uxooo/topics">Google archive (only last 6 days)</a>&amp;nbsp;<b>2012 05 10 - UX WIKI REFRESH NOTE - Inactive OOo google group. Recommendation:&amp;nbsp;Remove link.</b>
</td><td> <br />*Please subscribe to the <a href="http://ux.openoffice.org/servlets/ProjectMailingListList">mailing lists</a> before posting.<b>2012 05 10 - UX WIKI REFRESH NOTE - Points to outdated page.&amp;nbsp; Recommendation: Remove link. </b>&lt;br&gt; <br />*<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSS">What is a RSS feed?</a>&amp;nbsp;<b>2012 05 10 - UX WIKI REFRESH NOTE - Outdated content. Recommendation:&amp;nbsp;Move to OOo UX archive.</b>
<b>2012 05 10 - UX WIKI REFRESH NOTE - Does not appear to be overly active. Recommendation: Survey community to see if they still want to use this tool.</b>&lt;br&gt;
===About User Experience===
AOO user experience (UX) efforts seeks to provide guidance to the product management, and development community to ensure that AOO offers the best user experience possible.<br>  
<td> <br />*<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irc">What is IRC?</a> <br />*<a href="http://seerofsouls.com/wiki/SeerOfSouls/IrcEtiquette">How to behave (IRC etiquette)?</a> <br />*<b>2012 05 10 - UX WIKI REFRESH NOTE - Take action based on community thoughts on IRQ. See left pane.</b>&lt;br&gt;
<b>2012 05 10 - UX WIKI REFRESH NOTE - Active blog. Recommendation: rename blog, links and anchor link in this page to all include "Apache" reference.</b>&lt;br&gt;
Our duties include gathering user input, distilling insight into opportunities, designing solutions to realize opportunities, advocating usability within the broader design and development process, and helping turn ideas into reality. Our work products include user research, user roles/personas, usage scenarios, wireframes, design explorations, design evaluations, and user testing.<br>
===How to Get Involved?===
<td> <br />Related blogs: <a href="http://blogs.sun.com/GullFOSS/tags/user-experience">GullFOSS blogs on "user-experience"</a>, <b>2012 05 10 - UX WIKI REFRESH NOTE - Dead link. Recommendation: Remove.</b>
<p>Aggregation: <a href="http://pipes.yahoo.com/pipes/pipe.info?_id=tD0GZQLI2xGmcr70qGIyXQ">Yahoo! pipes aggregation (blogs related to our project, web version)</a>&amp;nbsp; <b>2012 05 10 - UX WIKI REFRESH NOTE - Outdated content. Recommendation: Remove.</b>  
User experience (UX) is an umbrella term that encompasses information architecture, usability engineering, user interface design, interaction design, and visual design, as components of the holistic user experience. Apache OpenOffice user experience is currently looking for creative, passionate people to join the effort. You don’t have to be a C++ guru (or even know what that means) to get involved. You just have to love software. Join our user experience community and contribute to the conversation. Your research, writing, story telling, sketching, and design skills will be greatly appreciated.<br>  
</p><p>Feeds (RSS): <a href="http://blogs.sun.com/GullFOSS/feed/entries/atom?tags=user-experience">GullFOSS Subscribe blogs on "user-experience"</a>, <a href="http://pipes.yahoo.com/pipes/pipe.run?_id=tD0GZQLI2xGmcr70qGIyXQ&amp;_render=rss">Yahoo! pipes aggregation (blogs related to our project)</a>&amp;nbsp;<b>2012 05 10 - UX WIKI REFRESH NOTE - See above.</b>
*[[AOO User Experience Community Members|AOO User Experience Community Members]] - Passionate about designing great user experiences? So are we. Join us!
</td><td> <br />*<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blog">What is a blog?</a> <br />*<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSS">What is a RSS feed?</a>
*[[AOO UX Help Wanted|AOO User Experience Help Wanted]] - Looking to sink your teeth into a juicy research, design or evaluation tasks, check out our activity list.
<br />
= User Experience Program  =
<h2> Documents and Resources </h2>
<ul><li><a href="User Experience/Resources">User Experience Resources</a>&amp;nbsp;<b>UX WIKI REFRESH NOTE - Some good stuff here. Recommendation: Move to OOo design archive, capture task to harvest relevant and actionable content.</b> <br />*<a href="User Experience/Tools">User Experience Tools</a>&amp;nbsp;<b>UX WIKI REFRESH NOTE - Some good stuff here. Recommendation: Move to OOo design archive, capture task to harvest relevant and actionable content.</b> <br />*<a href="User Experience/Myths about UX">Myths about UX</a> <b>UX WIKI REFRESH NOTE - Some good stuff here. Recommendation: Move to OOo design archive, capture task to harvest relevant and actionable content.</b>&lt;br&gt;
<!-- *[[AOO UX Support Strategy|UX Support Strategy]] - How might UX provide design leadership, drive informed design and development decisions within the AOO community? -->
<h2> Project Management </h2>
*[[AOO UX Research Strategy|UX Research Strategy]] - How might UX gather data to characterize the current state of the product experience and identify opportunities for improvement?
<ul><li><a href="/Project Administration">User Experience Project Administration</a>&amp;nbsp;<b>UX WIKI REFRESH NOTE - Some good stuff here. Manu outdated links. Recommendation: Move to OOo design archive, capture task to harvest relevant and actionable content.</b> <br />*<a href="/Project Strategy">User Experience Project Strategy</a> <b>Project UX WIKI REFRESH NOTE - Some good stuff here. Manu outdated links. Recommendation: Move to OOo design archive, capture task to harvest relevant and actionable content.</b>&lt;br&gt;
<!-- *[[AOO UX Design Strategy|UX Design Strategy]] - How might UX turn insight into ideas, and ideas into reality? -->
<!-- *[[AOO UX Social Strategy|UX Social Strategy]] - How might UX use social media to learn more about our users, co-design and gather user feedback? -->
<p>&amp;nbsp;<br />
<!-- ===Planning===
* [[AOO 4.x - UX Release Planning|AOO 4.x - UX Release Planning]] -->
* [[AOO UX Program - Task Backlog|UX Program - Task Backlog]]
<!-- ===Reporting=== -->
<!-- * [[AOO UX Program - Dashboard|UX Program - Dashboard]] -->  
<!-- * [[AOO UX Program - Status Reports|UX Program - Status Reports]] -->
<!-- * [[AOO UX Program - Product Scorecards|AOO UX - Product Scorecards]] -->
<br />
= User Experience Research=
To help make informed design and development decisions, the OpenOffice community needs to understand who uses OpenOffice, what they use it for, and what is important to them.&nbsp;Beyond roles and goals, we need to understand user attitudes and behaviour, uncover latent and emerging needs, and understand drivers and barriers of change. User data is captured by asking questions, listening and observing people using our software. Activities include interviews, surveys and direct observation. The outcome of user research is enhanced insight into the user, their context of use and criteria for success. The output of user research are a collection of work products that tells the user's story, and criteria for success.
*[[AOO UX Research Surveys|UX Research Surveys]] - We need data! This activity seeks to design and deploy user research surveys which characterize the state of our product experience and identify opportunities for improvement.
**[[File:Ux_task_icon.png‎]] '''ACTIVE UX ACTIVITY''' - Volunteers are needed to help design and deliver the user research surveys.
*[[AOO Social Data|Harvesting Social Sentiment]] - Our social assets (mailing lists, forums, and social media) present a great opportunity to gather user insight and feedback - very low cost, high value. This activity seeks to harvest user research data from our social assets as input to future research and design activities.
*[[AOO UX User Roles|Who the? What the?]] - Who uses Apache OpenOffice? What do they want to do? This activity seeks to understand the AOO users, and identify what is important to them.
*[[AOO Survey Templates - Task Prioritization|Task Prioritization]] - What are the key tasks that our users perform in OpenOffice? This activity seeks to inventory and categorize key OpenOffice tasks.
*[[AOO UX Usage Scenarios|Storytellers Wanted]] - How does OpenOffice help our users accomplish their tasks, and achieve your goals - now and in the future? This activity seeks to capture stories that share how people use OpenOffice in their daily lives.  
<br />
= User Experience Design=
Design is choice. How might we make the best design choices that deliver the best user experience and realize our criteria for success as identified from our user research.
===Opportunity Backlog===
*[[AOO UX Design - Opportunity Backlog|AOO UX Design - Opportunity Backlog]]
*[[AOO UX Symphony Contribution|IBM Symphony Contribution UX Analysis]] - A UX-oriented analysis of the IBM Symphony contribution.
<!-- *PROPOSAL - [[UX Wish List|UX Wish List]] - What features do we want from AAO in the next versions? -->
* AOO 4.0 Logo Design Exploration [https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.x+-+Logo+Explorations] - How might we refresh the OpenOffice identity? No wrong answers, please share your designs and join the conversation.
*[[AOO 4.0 UI Style Exploration|AOO 4.0 UI Style Exploration]] - How might we refresh the AOO common UI to be more compelling? No wrong answers here, just a collection of thoughts, ideas and criteria for success.
*[[AOO 4.0 Social Design Exploration|AOO 4.0 Social Design Exploration]] - How might we integrate social tools that support social interaction and behaviour? No wrong answers here, just a collection of thoughts, ideas and criteria for success.
*[[AOO 4.0 Dockable Task Pane (Task Bar) Design Exploration|AOO 4.0 Dockable Task Pane Design Exploration]] - How might we make high frequency actions and options more available and discoverable within the editor's primary workspace so that user's can access advanced editing commands from a persistent, contextual, mode-less property panel. No wrong answers here, just a collection of thoughts, ideas and criteria for success.  
*[[AOO 4.0 Start Screen Design Exploration|AOO 4.0 Start Screen Design Exploration]] - How might we allow users to access important documents, or create new documents from an introductory start screen so they can quickly and easily create documents and quickly start capturing their thoughts and ideas. No wrong answers here, just a collection of thoughts, ideas and criteria for success.
<!-- ===Delivery===
*[[AOO UX Design Recommendations |AOO UX Design - Recommendations]] -->  
<br />
To ensure that our current offering, proposed enhancements, or new capabilities realize our stated criteria for success, as identified in our user research work products, we can perform user experience evaluations. Output of evaluation activities are an input to our ongoing research activities and are captured along with other insight.
===Design Evaluations===
*[[AOO Design Evaluations|Design Evaluations]] - Collection of design evaluations with feedback, guidance and recommended opportunities for improvement.
===User Evaluation===
*[[AOO UX Research Surveys|UX Research Surveys]] - We need data! This activity seeks to design and deploy user research surveys which characterize the state of our product experience and identify opportunities for improvement.  
<br />
=OpenOffice.org UX Archives=
The Apache OpenOffice User Experience community appreciates the efforts of the previous UX communities that have resulted in the great product we have today. We are fortunate to have inherited a library of great UX research, UI design and user evaluation work products. As part of the transition from Oracle to Apache, some UX content, and supporting links, are invalid or out-of-date. Other content is extremely valuable and will be integrated into the Apache OpenOffice UX effort moving forward. To ensure that the previous material is still accessible, we have archived the former UX wiki home page.
*[[OpenOffice.org User Experience|OpenOffice.org User Experience Homepage (Work Product Archive)]] - OO.org UX archival content
*[[AOO UX Categories|UX View of Wiki Categories]] - Links to wiki categories that include user experience design-oriented content
<br /><br />

Latest revision as of 05:01, 2 November 2012


Our Mission

Our mission is to ensure that the design of the Apache OpenOffice user experience resonates with our users, and allows them to realize their goals and accomplish their tasks, in a way that compliments their context of use, in their world. We want to design and deliver great software that helps people capture their thoughts and share their ideas! We want to make Apache OpenOffice the best open source office suite in terms of usability, productivity and enjoyment.

About User Experience

AOO user experience (UX) efforts seeks to provide guidance to the product management, and development community to ensure that AOO offers the best user experience possible.

Our duties include gathering user input, distilling insight into opportunities, designing solutions to realize opportunities, advocating usability within the broader design and development process, and helping turn ideas into reality. Our work products include user research, user roles/personas, usage scenarios, wireframes, design explorations, design evaluations, and user testing.

How to Get Involved?

User experience (UX) is an umbrella term that encompasses information architecture, usability engineering, user interface design, interaction design, and visual design, as components of the holistic user experience. Apache OpenOffice user experience is currently looking for creative, passionate people to join the effort. You don’t have to be a C++ guru (or even know what that means) to get involved. You just have to love software. Join our user experience community and contribute to the conversation. Your research, writing, story telling, sketching, and design skills will be greatly appreciated.

User Experience Program


  • UX Research Strategy - How might UX gather data to characterize the current state of the product experience and identify opportunities for improvement?


User Experience Research

To help make informed design and development decisions, the OpenOffice community needs to understand who uses OpenOffice, what they use it for, and what is important to them. Beyond roles and goals, we need to understand user attitudes and behaviour, uncover latent and emerging needs, and understand drivers and barriers of change. User data is captured by asking questions, listening and observing people using our software. Activities include interviews, surveys and direct observation. The outcome of user research is enhanced insight into the user, their context of use and criteria for success. The output of user research are a collection of work products that tells the user's story, and criteria for success.


  • UX Research Surveys - We need data! This activity seeks to design and deploy user research surveys which characterize the state of our product experience and identify opportunities for improvement.
    • Ux task icon.png ACTIVE UX ACTIVITY - Volunteers are needed to help design and deliver the user research surveys.
  • Harvesting Social Sentiment - Our social assets (mailing lists, forums, and social media) present a great opportunity to gather user insight and feedback - very low cost, high value. This activity seeks to harvest user research data from our social assets as input to future research and design activities.


  • Who the? What the? - Who uses Apache OpenOffice? What do they want to do? This activity seeks to understand the AOO users, and identify what is important to them.
  • Task Prioritization - What are the key tasks that our users perform in OpenOffice? This activity seeks to inventory and categorize key OpenOffice tasks.
  • Storytellers Wanted - How does OpenOffice help our users accomplish their tasks, and achieve your goals - now and in the future? This activity seeks to capture stories that share how people use OpenOffice in their daily lives.

User Experience Design

Design is choice. How might we make the best design choices that deliver the best user experience and realize our criteria for success as identified from our user research.

Opportunity Backlog



  • AOO 4.0 Logo Design Exploration [1] - How might we refresh the OpenOffice identity? No wrong answers, please share your designs and join the conversation.
  • AOO 4.0 UI Style Exploration - How might we refresh the AOO common UI to be more compelling? No wrong answers here, just a collection of thoughts, ideas and criteria for success.
  • AOO 4.0 Social Design Exploration - How might we integrate social tools that support social interaction and behaviour? No wrong answers here, just a collection of thoughts, ideas and criteria for success.
  • AOO 4.0 Dockable Task Pane Design Exploration - How might we make high frequency actions and options more available and discoverable within the editor's primary workspace so that user's can access advanced editing commands from a persistent, contextual, mode-less property panel. No wrong answers here, just a collection of thoughts, ideas and criteria for success.
  • AOO 4.0 Start Screen Design Exploration - How might we allow users to access important documents, or create new documents from an introductory start screen so they can quickly and easily create documents and quickly start capturing their thoughts and ideas. No wrong answers here, just a collection of thoughts, ideas and criteria for success.


To ensure that our current offering, proposed enhancements, or new capabilities realize our stated criteria for success, as identified in our user research work products, we can perform user experience evaluations. Output of evaluation activities are an input to our ongoing research activities and are captured along with other insight.

Design Evaluations

  • Design Evaluations - Collection of design evaluations with feedback, guidance and recommended opportunities for improvement.

User Evaluation

  • UX Research Surveys - We need data! This activity seeks to design and deploy user research surveys which characterize the state of our product experience and identify opportunities for improvement.

OpenOffice.org UX Archives

The Apache OpenOffice User Experience community appreciates the efforts of the previous UX communities that have resulted in the great product we have today. We are fortunate to have inherited a library of great UX research, UI design and user evaluation work products. As part of the transition from Oracle to Apache, some UX content, and supporting links, are invalid or out-of-date. Other content is extremely valuable and will be integrated into the Apache OpenOffice UX effort moving forward. To ensure that the previous material is still accessible, we have archived the former UX wiki home page.

Personal tools