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m (Checking out a CWS through CVS: you shouldn't check out the whole tree in each affected module, but run update instead. ;-))
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#REDIRECT [[‎Documentation/Building Guide/Getting the source]]
=== Source code ===
The source code can be downloaded as tarballs, e.g. [http://download.openoffice.org/2.2.1/source.html here for OOo2.2.1]. In case there are newer releases or for developer snapshots please see the [http://download.openoffice.org/ Download Central] ''Development'' section.  The source is huge, so it was split to several files, for newer releases than OOo2.1 substitute OOo_2.1.0_ accordingly:
* <strong>OOo_2.1.0_src_core.tar.bz2</strong> - the necessary part for each build, the other tarballs depend on this one.
* OOo_2.1.0_src_binfilter.tar.bz2 - the filters for old binary [[StarOffice]] formats.
* OOo_2.1.0_src_l10n.tar.bz2 - translations to other languages than English and German.
* OOo_2.1.0_src_sdk.tar.bz2 - OOo SDK (Software Development Kit).
* OOo_2.1.0_src_system.tar.bz2 - libraries that usually are on a standard Linuxsystem and it's not necessary to build own version on Linux. For a Windows build this package is usually required.
For a full build you need them all. For development, <strong>src_core</strong> is usually all you need.
Download them to one directory and unpack them.  Information how to checkout from CVS follows.
=== Vanilla up-stream ===
You might be interested particulary in the [http://tools.openoffice.org/dev_docs/build_linux.html#GetTheSourceCode Get the source code] section in the build guide (for Linux, but it is quite similar for all the platforms).
export 'CVSROOT=:pserver:anoncvs@anoncvs.services.openoffice.org:/cvs'
cvs login
(CVS password: anoncvs)
cvs co -r <milestone> OpenOffice2
The tool to browse project [http://tools.openoffice.org/source/browse/tools/ source code online] has some [http://tools.openoffice.org/servlets/ProjectSource additional hints].
If you want just to test development releases, you can download already compiled builds from [http://download.openoffice.org/680/]. List of available Mac builds is in [[Mac OS X Development Builds]].
=== ooo-build ===
There are loads of versions of OO.o, and several choices of
branch, with multiple outstanding patch sets.
I recommend you build from up-stream CVS HEAD milestones
(SRC680 milestones), with patch sets to make them easier to
build from [http://go-ooo.org/packages/SRC680]
The very latest ooo-build (a small ~1.5Mb build wrapper) can
be got from SVN thus:
svn co http://svn.gnome.org/svn/ooo-build/trunk ooo-build
<strong>Note:</strong> You are going to need to download
an additional ~150Mb of compressed source, and have ~3Gb
of space to unpack and build it in.
== Checking out a CWS through CVS ==
''This section is a draft!''
First, find the CWS name such as picom.  Then, lookup the CWS name in EIS (e.g., [http://eis.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?Id=5112&logon=true&OpenOnly=false&Section=All picom]).  Notice "Milestone (current)" is m222 (in this example as of time of writing): that is the base milestone.  Then, notice the affected modules listed under "Modules & Files."
You will checkout the base milestone from CVS.  The convention for base milestone is SRC680_m### (later DEV300_m###?). Then in each affected module (where a module is basically a directory), you will update the module with CVS.  The convention for the revision tag for the CWS is cws_src680_####.
Here is a script.
AFFECTED_MODULES="basebmp basegfx canvas comphelper cppcanvas \
        desktop filter goodies offapi offuh psprint sal  \
        slideshow solenv testshl2 tools unotools vcl xpdf"
export 'CVSROOT=:pserver:anoncvs@anoncvs.services.openoffice.org:/cvs'
cvs login
echo the password is anoncvs
cvs co -r SRC680_m222 OpenOffice2
sleep 10s
        echo "module $d"
        cd $d
        cvs up -r cws_src680_picom
        cd ..
== See also ==
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Latest revision as of 11:41, 2 September 2009

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